China Englisch Germany
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Trade partner Germany

In Europe, Germany is China’s largest trade partner. In the rank of the worldwide trade partners of China Germany is listed No. 5. For Germany China is the largest supplying country.
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Handelspartner Deutschland

What is DDP

For goods exported to Europe in the recipient country customs will be charged. The local custom determines the value of the good in cooperation with the recipient.
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Das ist DDP

China produces more cars than Europe

In the year 2013 it is expected that China will produce more cars than Europe for the first time.
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Attractive Business Location Germany

For China the business location Germany is very famous and known as the most attractive one in Europe. Therefore many Chinese investors plan to intensify their investments in Europe.
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Who is b2c express?

haken At B2C express experienced logisticians, salesmen, IT-specialists and web-specialists are working for your success.

haken B2C is located in Germany. We therefore know the regional and European conditions and can optimally support our customers in Asia.

haken B2C express has a large customs warehousing capacity at the airport Frankfurt/Cargo City.

haken B2C express has ist own tracking & tracing system, allowing the customer complete transparency in the entire way of the shipment.




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